Feburary 2024 Classes
February 01, 2024
by Amber Wheeler
These are the Projects that we will be doing in class for Febuary.
Essential Sewing Supplies For Beginners
What do you need in your sewing kit as a beginner? Before you start learning to sew, you will need to pick up a few essentials. Assuming you will be using a machine, you will need:
Sewing machine
Spools of thread to match your fabric - find out how to choose thread
Bobbins - these need to be in a style which is compatible with your machine
Sewing machine needles - find out how to choose the best sewing machine needle for the task
Scissors - especially a pair of dressmaking shears which is used ONLY for cutting fabric
Hand-sewing needles
Pins and pin cushion
Iron and ironing board for pressing
Seam ripper - learn how to use this life-saving tool
Marking tools - check out our breakdown of your options
Classes are 35.00 Each as some things needed for class I will provide.
Saturdays 2-4:30
If you are wanting to use specific fabric you will need to bring your own fabric.
Threads to match and some fabric available to purchase.
The first 2 items on the pictures will be done in the first class Feb 3rd
Valentine Pillow will be Feb 10th
Art Smock Feb 17th
Hat will be Feb 24th
If you have any questions please text me here at the store Amber 601-693-1863

February 01, 2024
by Amber Wheeler