Hooptech Tbar and Gen 2 Embroidery Combo
The GEN 2 from Hoop Tech is the next generation HTP style cap frame. Originally called The Dream Frame, the GEN 2 was redesigned to allow sewing closer to the bill than ever before. And it is the easiest cap frame that we have ever made to frame all styles of caps, even visors! It was specially designed to maximize the sewing field on the front two panels of a finished cap, while still maintaining registration. This cap frame is lighter, has backing holding clips, is easier to frame, and with the new bill retaining strap you can sew closer to the bill than ever before.
The EMS / Hoop Tech T-BAR framing gage is the first step to properly framing up a finished cap. The T-BAR Framing Gage featuring the exclusive T-Bar Tensioning Arm, allowing the embroiderer to stretch the front panels of the cap against the top of the gage so that when the cap is clamped by the cap frame it is held in the ideal position for sewing.
10 to 1 Mechanical Advantage
The framing gage with its lever arm, gives the cap framer a 10 to 1 mechanical advantage when getting the cap to lay flat before sewing. This saves a great deal of energy when framing up large orders. Only Hoop Tech has the patented Tensioning Arm. The Tensioning Arm gives even the inexperienced cap framer the ability to frame a cap tight…..even low profile un-constructed caps. It’s the easiest way to stretch a cap tight. Once you try it, you’ll be amazed at how easy it can be to frame a cap.
Locked Into Place
The T-BAR Framing Gage allows the cap framer to pull the cap panels down flat against the surface of the gage. While the cap and backing are sandwiched the Cap Frame is latched, and the cap and backing are locked into place. This marriage of cap and backing is what allows the Hoop Tech Cap Frame to hold the best.